The Stars of the Show

Meet the Ladies who bring the Acts to Life on Stage.


Everyone calls her "Liaison." She's known for owning the Theatre and directing the show. She doesn't often join the stage but when she does, the Audience knows it's a Performance you don't want to miss!
Famous for the Roles: "Balalaika" in the Roanapur Acts, "Lisa" Act IV Part I and II, "La Signora", and "Calidora" from the Vampire Acts just to name a few.


Upon first glance she's quite intimidating and is reserved in converstation. However once the spotlight is on, the audience is captivated with how open Vex' can be once on stage and doesn't hold back! It's a delight to see. Known for her roles as Revy in Roanapur Series, Eula in Act I Traveler Series, and Finale in Outlander I Series just to name a few.


A bundle of joy and loves to make the Audience laugh. Everyone is in good spirits when Lilu hits the stage. She was known for small roles starting out but quickly rose to fame when she stepped out of her comfort zone.
Known for playing "Amber" and "Sucrose" in Outlander Acts, "Sucrose" and "Collei" in Traveler Acts, and "Daki" in the Demon Slayer Acts.
As well as "Rain" in Roanapur Acts just to name a few.


Faine''s demenor is calm and caressing.....right before you're in the midst of chaos, and excitement! She's known for being extremely sleepy and will rest in between Acts. Even Liaison has a hard time keeping her awake. But once she feels the warmth of the stage, she comes to life and puts on a show!
Known for her roles as "Eda" in Roanapur Acts, "Candace" in Traveler Acts, "Zena" in the Vampire Acts and "Krampus" in the Christmas Special just to name a few.


"Save the best for last~" As Narcy would say. She is the most favored of them all. The audience love when she steps onto the stage and enjoy the encores of her performances. 
Famous for the roles: "Lisa" Act I, II, III, and in Outlaner Finale, "Yae Miko" Act I and in Traveler Series for Lisa IV part I and II, "Shen Hua" in the Roanapur Acts, and "Asuka" in Taimanin Acts just to name a few.