Read below about the Ladies from the Bustling City

As you may have learned from the audios, each girl is having a story of their own being told.
Take a moment to read about our main stars from the City.


'Lynny' is the social butterfly of the group. Her favorite days are spending time with her friends and enjoying their company late into the night. Well, long as they don't have an exam the next morning for class.
Due to her naiveness of the big city, people used to give her a hard time. That is, until Bella put a stop to it and became her first friend at the University.


Bella can be the "prima donna" of the group. She values looks, money, connections. She's known to come off strong and can be quite off putting at first to some. But as soon as she works her charm, you'll be head over heels for her outgoing nature. 

She's an Executive Assistant after all, and everything you do matters in the world of corporate. Just be sure not to be late in your tasks.


Mizuki known as "Mizu" has her own place and rents out rooms to Kate and Faye while taking classes at the university. She works at the local cafe time to time for extra funds and enjoys having time to herself.

Her rude exterior keeps people at bay, and was well known for being quite the bully in the past. Yet as of late she seems.... calm? Could there be more to just the surface level insults? Everyone is fond of her after all.


Kate is one of the students renting out a room at Mizu's house. Due to her quiet demenor, people often mistaken her as being shy, but she just prefers to keeps to herself. 

A good book bundled in bed or near a window is all she needs to enjoy the day. She chose the University far from home in hopes of escaping the mundane life, and trying something new.


Faye is the other tenant renting out a room at Mizu's place, and is best friends with Faye.

She's the type to go with the flow and not focus on the latest trends. She also didn't care for school, but all of that changed the moment Kate came along.

Now she works part time at the local Cafe and enjoys music and gaming in between classes at the University.